!±8±Factory Refurbished Sonocaddie V300 Comes with Full 30 Day Warranty!
Brand : SonocaddieRate :

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Post Date : Aug 22, 2011 17:28:36

Utilizing advanced and sophisticated GPS satellite technology, the easy-to-use Sonocaddie V300 calculates the distance from any point on the course to the green or any other target, even without a clear line of sight. Players need to download the particular course--domestic or international--that they will be playing to their V300 via a PC and detailed course information covering every curve, contour, slope, and sandtrap will be at the placed at the golfer's fingertips.Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but powerful enough to take strokes off your game. Other features include shot distance measuring and tracking, digital scorecard and game analysis, and personalized course editing and mapping. Shot measuring allows players to leave the driving range behind as you accurately measure the length of individual shots, while the tracking system strings each shot in a round together cumulatively for later review. The unit's digital scorecard and game analysis functionality allows players to toss out their paper scorecard and tiny pencils for good as they keep track of their game digitally and perform an analysis based on pre-determined data points at the end of each round. And although the V300 is designed to download every known aspect of the courses of the world, no course's links are static. This is where its editing and mapping functionality comes in. Whether it's the filling of a bunker, the lengthening of a tee or a removal of a tree, with the V300 players can map, edit and save changes noticed on their favorite fairways right on the spot.Finally, the unit's memory and optional Sonostar membership club perks allow for all the flexibility that even the most avid of golfers could need. The V300 has built-in storage space to accomadate data on up to 30 courses as well as track 100 rounds and record 100 scorecards.